Hawk Ted
Okay, so Hawk Ted depicts flight and wildlife, not my usual. More unusual, it depicts my great 50-year friend, Ted Zelio. You see we spent hundreds of hours together hiking, fishing, skiing and philosophizing. Completely different paths joined our friendship. That gave us so much to talk about. Thinking about his passing brings tears to me now.
Shortly after that terrible day, something very strange happened. In my studio (Deborah calls it her garage) where Ted and I spent many hours working on whimsical projects, I turned my back to the double garage doors to cut some steel. Just then a huge shadow flew in one door, banked vertically around me and flew out the other door. Shock doesn’t describe it. Adrenaline rushed me to the door and out there, atop a nearby Ponderosa, I saw the shadow. It was a magnificent hawk. And huge, too. Now hawks simply don’t do that. They fly the sky, not garages. I puzzled for shaky hours over how such a thing could happen. Missed prey? Stunt flying? Nothing made sense. A couple of days later Deborah and I took Judy, Ted’s widow, out for a birthday dinner. I told Judy about my amazing encounter and without blinking she said, “That was Ted telling you he is okay.” During his life, I sculpted a portrait bust of my great friend. Now time for another. Time to learn about hawks and flight and life. Godspeed Ted. Private collections Western United States Medium: White Bronze Height: 22 inches Base: 8 inch black granite Price: Order $2445 |